You're back?! *sigh* Great, now I have two pages to look after, along with my main page duties... Oh well, you're not here to listen to me complain; you're here for pictures. This gallery contains Bromides, "OC!" Productions art, the full versions of our ever-changing main page images, and older works.
"Organized Chaos!" Productions works...
Legacy of Hope...
Off on a Tangent...
- Cecil: Eh, he's dressed differently.
- Hanpan: As Alex would say, "Power to the rodents!"
- James: ... I don't have a comment.
- James: If any colors are off, blame dead markers and a sorta-off replacment...
- James: Test to see if she could draw him after all this time.
- Laine: Ph34r.
- Laine: Yay, panties?
- Hanpan: As a Metal Demon...
- *NEW!* Poster for Tangential Tales: Self-explanitory.
Unamed Sonic idea...
- Misc...
Just plain "Organized Chaos!"...
- Blue-chan: Successor to Rena-chan?
- Blue-chan Chibi with Billie: She can fly on those things?
- Blue-chan: Imitating Sonic...
- Card Captor Chibi: O.o;
- Chibi: Now with black hair.
- Chibi-chan: Deceptively sweet-looking...
- Chibi again...: As Choko, the greatest Arc the Lad hidden character EVER! ^_^
- Chibi, digivolved?!: Remind me to try to get her to stop talking to mad scientists. O.O; (Chibi: He's not mad, he's eccentric.)
- Chibi: Chibi with Starbolts; scary. X.x
- Chibi: In "glorious" CG.
- Chibi: Can't look below neck; Chibi will WA-TAK me. Can't look below neck; Chibi will WA-TAK me. O_o;
- Chibi: ...............
- Chibi: *grumble*mutter* >_<;
- Chibi: Who's in the pokeball? -_-;
- "Mytere-chan": Be afraid. Be very afraid.
- Chibi the Rapper: You know this would come eventually, right?
- Chibi: Chibi a witch. Fitting. Very fitting. *WHAM!* Ow.
- Chibi Rose: The mallet is stadard-issue with that outfit too. -_-;
- Rose Bride Chibi?: What, does a PS2 come out of her chest instead of a sword? -_-;
- Chibi: Chibi with Shuffle Shot... *shudder*
- Chibi: I'm REALLY afraid now.
- Chibi: O.o;;;
- Chibi: Unfortunately, even that doesn't make her good enough to beat Joey in that game. -_-;
- Chibi:She's her own rival. Lovely.
- Chibi: New outfit, minus the coat.
- Elaine ("Chibilaine"): The gift Holmcross version of Chibi.
- Chibilaine: *cough*ripoff!*cough*VirginiaMaxwell*cough*
- *NEW!* Chibi Shadow-chan: "Organized Chaos Control!"?
- *NEW!* Chibi Shadow-chan: "E-123/ You didn't know, now I'm gonna show you..."
- Chibilaine: I'd say rip-off is this weren't so scary. O_o;
- Chibilaine: Joins the cosplay tradiation of her "okaasan".
- Chibilaine: Well, it does look uncomfortable...
- "Orange Rose Billie": This in itself would not be scary if not for...
- "Zettai Unmei Kawaii": There's something Freudian about Chibilaine fighting for Chibi, I tell ya! >_<;
- Rini: Er, I think I'll be looking for a nice rock in Canada now... ^^;;;
- Team Chaos
- Bunni and Fauxie
- Team Trio
- Snape and Cecilia: Blame a past poll for this. -_-;
- Chibilutions...
Older things:
Digimon works...
- Digimon turned human...
- Agumon: Wearing the shirt he used was his "disguise"...
- Armadillomon: Ooooo... kay, strange outfit...
- Biyomon: GAH! Pink overload!
- Chibified Calumon: Cuteness... hurting... brain...
- Gabumon: Good, something to counter Biyomon's pink...
- Gatomon: Well, hellooooo, kitty!
- Gomamon: Anyone else notice a fish in the background is dead?
- Guilmon: ... at least it's not chibi Culumon-level cute.
- Hawkmon: "Digimon Goes Filgaian"?
- Palmon: ... pretty...
- Patamon: Lots of bubbles...
- Renamon: "Just bring it."
- Tentomon: Something about his expression makes me wanna smack him...
- Terriermon: Shouldn't he be hanging out with Sakura Kinomoto or something?
- Veemon: Must... not... quote... Riruka... >.<
- "Wormy-chan!": Should he be that pretty?
Gundam Wing works...
- Gundams turned human...
- Wing: His hair looks kinda like Heero meets Officer Jenny meets peroxide...
- Deathscythe: Or Xelloss dyed his hair and played dress-up.
- Heavyarms: Billy Lee Gundam!
- Sandrock-chan?!?: (Chibi: What, no smart-ass comment?) *Shakes his head* Speechless. Utterly speechless. O_o;
- Shenlong-chan?!: Chibi, that's... (Wufei: INJUSTICE!) Yeah, what he said... o_O;;
- Epyon-chan: I take back my former comments. THIS is truly disturbing. O_O;;;
Harry Potter works...
- Bookmarks of Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Snape: Snape bookmark? Guess it's for those who wanna slam a book shut on his face- *WA-TAK!* (Chibi: Mock not the Snape!)
- Draco: Where the hell did he get a Lady Devimon shirt?
- Draco: "Lends himself well to black and white", Chibi says...
- Harry: Where do they end up getting those shirts? First Draco with Lady Devimon, now this...
- Hermione: Taking a page out of Margaret from "CRFH!!"'s book...
- Ron: "Check and MATE, baby!"?
- Ron and Hermione: Ph34r catgirl Hermione.
- Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan: "Power to the Minor Characters", Chibi says.
- Draco: And a bunny plushie. Why am I not surprised she'd add that? -_-;
- Draco: What's with Chibi and drawing increasingly fancier-looking wands as of late? -_-;
- Fred and George: "They reek of Awesomeness"? Chibi's watched too much WWF, I think.
- Harry: Would you... like to... SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP?!
- Hermion, Ron, and Harry: Hermione quoting Austin Powers disturbs me.
- Lupin: And now, a word from Chibi. (Chibi: WAI! ^o^)
- Lupin and Snape: Why am I not surprised?
- Professor McGonagall: "0\/\/|\|z more than Hermi-chan"? We have got to stop her from using "0\/\/|\|z"...
- Neville!: Chibi's favorite of her favorites...
- Harry: "Order of the Phoenix" spoiler ahoy! (spoiler-free version)
- Harry, Ron, and Hermione: You know this had to happen sooner or later.
- Ron: Why do I suddenly want to yell "WA-TAK!"?
- Ron: Looks a little older than the previous one...
- Young Snape: Lots of buckles.
- Draco, Ron, Harry, and Hermione: ... a snow-wizard?
Medabots works...
Fortuna Fanfic Theater 5000 works...
- Kumiko: A little more relaxed than usual, I think...
- Kumiko: At least she doesn't seem angry... You wouldn't like her if she's angry.
- Kumiko: Three... two... one... *CRASH!*
- Kumiko and Arche: Thank you, Chibi, for this... ^__^
- Kumiko: I think I'll be hiding under a rock in Canada until she calms down, thank you.
- Tessiri: *just grins dopily*
- Tessiri: *ditto*
- Tessiri: *Yes, ditto*
- Tessiri: *Also ditto*
- Tessiri: (Chibi: *Seeing Rudy'll be no help* This is what happens when I watch too much "Exposure" on Sci-Fi...)
- Tessiri: (Chibi: What? Influenced by Maya from WA3's outfit and by Rini's, er, alternate costume? Naaaah...)
- Tessiri: (Chibi: What can I say? She's a good model to test my design skills. ^^;)
- Yarun: Could have lived without seeing this comparison...
- Kumiko, Arche, and "Yaruru": "Yaruru". OK, Chibi's completely gone insane this time.
- *NEW!* Kumiko: A new picture! Gasp and swoon!
Rudy: And that's all that's here. Go somewhere else.