Updates 7-14-2007 Changed hosts. Everything should be working now. 12-12-2005 --
New captions. 4-21-2005 -- New site added. 4-17-2005 --
Page 403 updated. 1-4-2005 --
Page 403 updated. 10-31-2004 -- Page 403 updated. 8-26-2004 -- Captions and Page 403 updated. 8-16-2004 -- Hidden page added! 8-3-2004 --
New layout featuring Blue-chan! And yes, she's supposed to be ripping off one of Sonic's poses; I ripped off part of the new layout from a mini-site about Sonic that never got off the ground. >.> 6-19-2004 -- Both hidden pages updated. 6-4-2004 -- One hidden page updated. 5-10-04 -- Both hidden pages updated. 4-25-04 -- Hidden pages updated. One is on this page. There are 9 images on this page. Start looking. 3-22-04 -- Links added. 3-13-04 -- Second hidden page up. And no, it's not on the main page. 2-17-04 -- Hosted sites added. Banner for one forthcoming. 2-9-04 -- "Why Chapapanga dot org?" and "History" pages added. 2-8-04 --
Chapapanga dot org opens!