Zelgadiss the Rapper

Part 2

“You Guys Can Sit in the Back” Revised


*Begin stupidity!  ^^*


[Lanford Doughnut]

*Gourry and Cecilia are, predictably, eating.  Xelloss tries to find further ways of breaking the memory cards*

PJ CeCe: *Muffled* Shubent ‘e ‘e ‘ere by dow?

Sunny Xelloss: *Checks a watch he summoned from Pocketspace (a subdivision of Hammerspace)* Hmm, he is running a bit late…  *Zelgadiss finally reaches our group at Lanford Doughnut* You’re late.  ^_^;;

Zelgadiss: *Rapid fire* Well… youseeIwasattheYuffDojoandIgotstuckthereforawhilebut- *WHAM!*

PJ CeCe: *Tosses aside broken mallet* Say it normally!

Gourry Kat: Was that really necessary?

PJ CeCe: *To Gourry* No, but it was fun!  ^^

Zelgadiss: Anyway, it’s no big deal.  Um, where were we in the script?

Sunny Xelloss: A few lines before Rudy shows up again.

Zelgadiss: *Thinks* A few lines… *Lightbulb* Oh, I know where we are now!  *ahem!* Now what do we do?

Gourry Kat: Get more food?  ^^;;

PJ CeCe: Sounds good to me!  ^^;;

Sunny Xelloss: Ditch these stupid outfits and go on strike?  *Whispers to Zel* Or ditch these stupid outfits and *whisper*whisper*whisper* ^_^

Zelgadiss: I BEG YOUR PARDON?!?  <(((_O))>;;;  *Thankfully, a car heads their way, providing a distraction.  He mutters…* thankyouthankyouthankyou…  ^^;;;

Gourry Kat: *Indicating the car* Isn’t that the Super Delicious Ultra Great Atomic Whatchahoozits EX Plus Alpha II Championship Edition Turbo?  *Gasps for air* ^^;

PJ CeCe: … close enough.  ~.~;;

Zelgadiss: ……………………

Sunny Xelloss: Forget your lines, Zelly-kins?  ^_^

Zelgadiss: Call me that again and I make you read “The Happy Spell”.

Sunny Xelloss: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!   ANYTHING BUT THAT!!  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!  O_O;;;;  *The car pulls up to the curb.  Rudy gets out of the car*

Rudy Chin: Yo.  Like the new wheels?

Gourry Kat: *blink*blink* Just the wheels are new?  *WHACK!*

PJ CeCe: He meant the car overall, Gourry.

Gourry Kat: Oh.

Zelgadiss: *Hushed; to Rudy* I’m just glad you came by when you did; Xelloss was trying to get a little too “friendly”.

Rudy Chin: *Hushed; to Zel* Again?  *Normal tone* Anyway, you need a ride anywhere?

PJ CeCe and Gourry Kat: YEAH!  ^^

Rudy Chin: *sweatdrop* Lemme guess, you wanna stop by another food place.

Gourry Kat: Off course!  ^_^

PJ CeCe: Where else, Rudy?  ^_^

Rudy Chin: *sweatdrop* Uh, you two coming too?

Zelgadiss: Do we have a choice?

Rudy Chin: Not unless you want to be forced to read bad fics.  C’mon, CeCe, Sunny, sit up front with me…  You guys can sit in the back.  *Points to the very, very distant back end of the car*


[Front of the car]

*Rudy tries to pull the car out… but goes backwards and crashes*

Rudy Chin: Uh, oops.  *Pulls the car out of there FAST!*


[Back of the car]

*Gourry’s knocked out.  Zel’s barely conscious*

Zelgadiss: oog… If I could drive, I’d do a lot better than he does…  *Pictures himself driving a car… and running over Xelloss… and again and again and again…  He grins* But how can I do that…?  *Lightbulb* Yeah, I know, I gotta believe again!  ^^;;


[The Garden Garage]

*Quistis Trepe stands in front of a cheaply-designed car*

Instructor Trepe: So, you want to know how to drive, correct?  It’s not as simple as you think, but…  Just follow my rap and you’ll be OK.  ^_^;;

[Inside the car and on the road!]

Instructor Trepe: OK, we’re here, in this piece of crap car,

                        Why don’t you show me that you can get far!

*Repeat lines* Step on the gas-

                        WATCH THE SPEEDOMETER, ZEL!!  (Repeated: [Zel] What’s a Speedometer?!)

                        Step on the brakes-

                        (Thank goodness for seatbelts…)

*Stop repeat*  Now listen, kid, you gotta be careful!

                        Get it right this time or I’ll give you an earful!

*Repeat lines* Step on the gas!

                        Hey, you got it!  (Note: “You”s turn to “I”s, off course)

                        Step on the brakes!

                        Hey, that’s right!

                        Now step on the gas!

*Stop repeat*  I’m glad you got that figured out!

                        Get this next part right so I won’t have to shout!

*Repeat lines* Check and turn the signal to the right-

                        I SAID THE RIGHT! THE RIIIIIGHT!!  (Repeated: [Zel] The right?!  Aw, bugger!)

                        Just check and turn the signal to the left…

                        And turn to the left…

*Stop repeat*  P-pull over, and pull over quick!

                        Thanks to you driving, I’m gonna be sick!

                        *Long pause as Quistis is noisily vomiting outside the car*

                        (Zel: I didn’t think I was that bad…  <(((_~))>;;;)

                        OK, kid, just one more try!

                        Mess it up bad again and I think I’ll cry!

*Repeat lines* Check and turn the signal to the right!

                        Slow it down and turn to the right!

                        (Not repeated: [I. Trepe] Wow, not bad!)

                        Now check and turn the signal to the left!

                        Slow it down and turn to the left!

                        Pull over again…

                        You know we’ve pulled over again?  (Repeated: [Zel] Because I failed?)

*Stop repeat*  That’s because you got it right!

Zelgadiss: Do I get my license then?

Trepe: Since I don’t want to go through this again, yep!

Zelgadiss: *Sarcastic* Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.  <(((.<))>;;


[License Bureau]

*A crappy picture is taken of Zel and put on his license…  ^^;;*



End Part 2

(Merribian Boogaloo!  ^^;;)