The Inventor’s Daughter

By: Chibi-chan


A child, pushed away from society,

Simply for being his daughter.


They say he’s a lunatic

(Maybe they’re right).

But all he does is build machines,

Machines meant to help people.


"Oh, you should stay away from her,

She’s his daughter.

If she’s anything like him,

She’s bound to be dangerous!"


"Her mother ran away.

That must be a sign

Of the insanity the runs

Within that house!"


If only there was someone,

Someone who knows

What it’s like to be avoided

Because of something the wasn’t their fault…


Fear not, inventor’s daughter,

There are people who will not push you away.

Maybe among them will be a kindred spirit;

Another victim of circumstance like you…



"You can’t hear it, but I’m feeling this way/ Just because you say/ I will be ignored/ and I will be denied/ I will get scared/ And I will get shoved down…" -"I Do", Lisa Loeb, Firecracker

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Star Ocean: The Second Story is copyrighted © by tri-Ace, Enix, LINKS, Minato Koio, and probably Sony.