"Hey, Prez, save some for me!" -Kazumi, concerning Toilet Hanako, "Haunted Junction" Legal Crap Mystery Science Theater 3000 & the related characters are owned and copyrighted by Best Brains Inc. Xenogears is copyrighted by SquareSoft. Any other thing I forgot to mention is copyrighted to it's owner(s). Please don't sue; I have no money as is. ~.~;; "Messila's Journey" is owned as always by the ever... ever Dr. Thinker. No offense or other bad stuff was intended with this MSTing. No semi-mute children were harmed in the production of this MSTing. Chibi-chan's notes (a.k.a. Other Stuff) Haunted Junction wa sugoi! Kazumi looks an awful lot like a blue-eyed Rudy Roughnight, tho'. However, that's a plus to me. ^_^ Oh, and fear the day Asahina steps foot in the Digimon world... With that out of the way, Here we gooooooooooooo!! ------------------------------------ [Billy's House (Orphange), 45 minutes after the last MSTing] Everything looked quite normal. The kids were playing outside, Primera was building a dinosaur out of Legos, and Jessiah was kicking back and reading one of his son's Trigun manga. Of course, this being part of a MSTing series, the normalcy can only last so long. With a trademark billowing puff of pink smoke, Billy and Maria were finally back from the digital world. "*cough* Why couldn't she *cough*cough* just send us through another *cough* plot hole?!" Billy complained as he fanned some of the smoke away from himself. "Oh, but where's the fun in that, Billy?" the mysterious disembodied voice said. For a moment, complete silence envelpoed the room. Jessiah broke the silence. "Looks like someone followed you home, son," he said, putting down the Trigun manga. "Yep! Turns out the 'guests' I had planned for Citan fell through, so now you guys gotta read the fic meant for them." Billy looked toward the voice's source warily. "What kind of fic is it?" "Oh, just 'Messila's Journey' part 11. Enjoy!" With that, a Plot Device TV (TM) appears and played some promos... ------------------------------------------------------- *All four people in the room assemble themselves before the TV in this order from left to right: Jessiah, Billy, Primera, Maria* Primera: What... "Messila's Journey"... Billy? Billy: Some nearly-incomprehensible Pokemon story. It's no big deal, really. Voice: NO BIG DEAL?! It's 28 chapters long, counting the Japan Journey arc! >_< Billy and Maria: _TWENTY-EIGHT_ CHAPTERS?!? >Messila Journey -- Part 11 >"Ol' Mothers of Arba" Jessiah: Better than "Young Sons of Bi-" Billy: DAD! Not in front of Prim! >.< Primera: ... heard it... during "Smackdown!" before... Billy... Billy: "SMACKDOWN!"?! Dad, I _told_ you _NOT_ to let her watch professional wrestling any more! Voice: Can we get on with this please? *Billy goes silent* Thank you. >by Dr. Thinker >---------------------------------------------------------------- Maria: Wow, Trowa's hair's REALLY growing wild, ain't it? >"How far until the next town?" ask Iris Joy. Jessiah (Messila/Justin): Well, first we gotta go through the Misty Forest and then cross the End of the World... >"Just one and 1/2 day. Less if we run like the wind." replied >Messila. >"Hey! What's that?" ask Tanya. Voice: It's EAGLEMAN! All: ??? >A small rodent was sleeping. >"Hey! Denise! Wake up!" command Messila. Billy: A Messila approaches. Command? >[I'm a computer. I'm do not require sleep. Anywhy, this Pokemon >is Abra, one of the Pyshic. Jessiah: Wow, I've never seen a drunk Pokedex before. >It sleeps for 18 hours, but can >launch pyshic attack even while sleeping] >"GO! NUKUSAUR!" Billy: Er... voice? Voice: What? It's not me! >It just take a while, a Arba was catch in her Pokemon. >"Why did you do that?" ask Messila. Maria (Tanya): Because I wanna be... A LUMBERJACK! >"Oh. I'm be trying to at least all one of every know Pokemon in >the world on his planet." Jessiah: Well, that makes perfect sense... huh? >"What is on Earth are those?" >A two pokemon that looks a man with a mustache and piple. Maria: Piple? Isn't that a woodwind instrument? >[Klasam: This Pokemon is Arba's second formation.] Jessiah: Which is between Free-For-All and Square Formation 1. Billy: No, no, those're after Magic Formation and Speed Shift! Maria: *To Primera* You have any idea what they're talking about? *Primera shakes her head "no"* Me neither. >"Any plan?" ask Jenny. >"Just one! RUN AWAY!!!!" replies Messila. All but Primera: o/~ When danger went and turned its head,/ Lady Messila bravely turned her tail and fled! o/~ >Just as they were going to corner. Three familar voice are Billy: Coronet, Etoile, and Kururu? Jessiah: Yakko, Wakko, and Dot? Maria: The movie star, the Professor, and Mary-Ann? Primera: Jeff, Matt, and Lita! ^_^ >"Prepare for Trouble!" said Rinki >"And Make that Double!" said Roland. Maria (kid): Oh yeah? I triple dog dare you to do it! Billy (Narrator): Uh oh. Now he couldn't back down from the dare. He _had_ to stick his tongue to the metal pole... >"To Protect the Universe From Drestion.." said Rinki >"To Unite All People in the Nations..." said Roland. Billy and Jessiah: Must... resist... WA2 ref... *Both pause, then look at each other* Billy: That was odd. Jessiah: Yep. >"To deannouce the evils of truth and love.." said Rinki >"To send our reachs to the stars above...." said Roland. >"Rinki!" said Rinki >"Roland!" said Roland Maria: "Right!" said Fred *rimshot* >"Team Rocket blast off!" said Rinki >"Surrender now or prepare to fight!" said Roland. Primera: WA-TAK! Billy: *blink*blink* Where'd you learn that one? Primera: Sore wa... himitsu desu... >"Go! Klasama!" said Rinki >"Go! Klasama!" said Roland. Jessiah: "Lord Kla"? When did this turn into a bad sci-fi novel? >"Oh, I told you I will be beep if I did use it!" remarks Tanya. Maria: She turns into the Roadrunner if she uses "it"? >"Just shut up and run!" retorts Messila. >The chase was similar to some out of a Scoody-Doo show. Jessiah (Citan): Now all we need is a little peyote to make this interesting... Billy: ... I don't wanna know. I _really_ don't wanna know. >"I'm starting to think I'm Shaggy from the Scoody-Doo show." >Messila remarks. "I'm starting to get Fred's brains." Maria (Shaggy/zombie): Braaaaaaaaaainsssss.... >"I think she's going to trip the Klasam and then we get out of >here." retorts Tanya. "Then we can get out of here!" Maria: Wow, there's an echo in here. Wow, there's an echo in here! >------------------------------------------------------------ Jessiah: The world's most boring game of "Pick Up Sticks" _ever_. >"KLASAM!!! KLASAM!!! KLASAM!!! KLASAM!" Billy (random character): I want pickles, dammi~ er, darn it! >Unknown know to two of the Klasam, they were trap by a leg. That >leg was still attach to it's owner, Messila. Billy: *Darkly* But not for long... >"Hey!" groans a male voice from one of Klasam. >"GET OF ME" groans a female voice from the other Klasam. >"Hey! It's Tiara and Thomas? What in heck are they doing here?" >ask Rinki. Maria: They got directions from a certain guy with an umbrella, of course. >"We finded a forest of Abra. We dress up as this to get as many >Abra as we want it." Jessiah: Excuse me? They want _what_ from the Abras?! Billy: Should Prim be reading this?! >replied Tiara. "We try to scare off humans. >And we play a Pokedex distropanius Maria: o/~ Distropanius, Distropanius,/ Come on and rock me, Distropanius! o/~ >machine to make sure no >Pokedex can out that we just humans." >"I'm wonder who or WHAT tripped us?" ask Thomas. Primera: ... one-armed man... >"Is that it?" ask Rinki pointing to a tennis shoe. >"Let's get them!" replied Thomas. Jessiah (Thomas): We'll kill them until they're dead from it! >"Wait. I'm having a Klasam of idea." replied Taira. "Just keep >your Meowth in the ball for a while." Billy (Taira): *Puts hands over Primera's ears* That can wait until later, sugar. ^_^ *Takes hands away from Prim's ears* >Rinki and Roland facevaults. Maria: -and win the gold in the Face Vaulting competition! >----------------------------------------------------------------- Jessiah: The most uninteresting dance chart _ever_. >Messila and her friends are walking thought the path, about a few >yards from the next town. >"Prepare for Trouble!" said Taira >"And Make it's Double Double! said Thomas Maria (Random Team Rockt memeber): And then make it Triple, Triple, Triple! >"To protect the universe from drestion." said Rinki. >"To unite all people within our nation." said Roland. Billy (Ashley Winchester): Hey! That's our job! >"To send our reach to the stars of above" said Taira. >"Roland!" said Roland. >"Rinki!" said Rinki >"Taira!" said Taira >"Thomas!" said Thomas Maria: "Frankie!" said Frankie Primera: ... "Annette!" said Annette >"Team Rocket blast off at light speed!" said Taira. >"Surrender now or prepare to fight!" said Roland Billy (Quatre): I told them to surrender... >"GO! Koffing!" sign Rinki >"Go! Klasam!" sign Roland. >"Go! Pikachu!" sign Taira. >"Go! Charamander!" sign Thomas. Billy: Go! Vulpix! *Throws out a Pokeball. Scott the Vulpix pops out of it* Scott the Vulpix: Vulpix. *Curls up and goes to sleep* Billy: *sigh* Why can't I ever get a _good_ pet? >The four Pokemon appear. Primera and Maria (random Pokemon): Cardians to the rescue! >"Tanya! Use that Nukusar against Klasam. I'm going to let Meowth >to fight another Pikachu. Iris, any other Pokemon?" ask Messila. >"Yes. A Squirte." Jessiah (TV announcer): Yes, new Lemon-Lime Squirte! Now with extra fizz for the EXTREEEEEEEME sportsman in _YOU_! >"Get Charamander's flame wet!" remarks Messila. "Jenny, any >Pokemon?" >"Three. Haunter, Vuplix, Raichu." replied Jenny. Voice: *Chanting* Rai~chu! Rai~chu! Rai~chu! Scott the Vulpix: _Vulpix_! >"Give Koffing a scared with your Haunter!" replied Messila. Billy (Haruto/Messila): There's an emergency at the school! Everyone, come here! >"GO! NUKUSAUR!" >"GO! SQUIRTE!" >"GO! HAUNTER!" >"GO! MEOWTH!" Billy (Haruto/Messila): WELCOME! Jessiah: ... where the hell did _that_ come from? Billy: Eh, I'll explain it later. >"Let's get those trouble rockets!" Jessiah (Cid): I'll be damned... You were right, Shera. >The battle was one of chaos. Maria: Organized Chaos, that is. Billy (random character): ARGH! THE PINKNESS! Voice: Watch it, bub. That stuff got you all in trouble less than an hour ago, you know. >Nukausaur used it's attack against >Klasam as Klasam uses it's Pyshic powers on Nukusaurs. >Charamander burns Squirtes as Squirtes tries to water gun >Charamander's flames. Haunter tries to make Koffing sleepy Maria: SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!! >as >Koffing tries to smog up Haunter's attack. Meowth and Pikachu are >in a bite match on each other tails. Jessiah: o/~ They fight!/ And bite!/ And fight and bite and fight!/ Fightfightfight!/ Bitebitebite!/ The Meowth and Pikachu Shooow! o/~ >Nuksaurs tosses a weak >Klasam into the face of Taira. Billy (Head crush guy): Ha! You are now a flathead! >"OUCH!" replied Taira >"No kidding?" ask Thomas. >Taira slaps Thomas. Billy (Kyoko): Yusaku, you idiot! >"No kidding, that slaps shows." >Pikachu was hurt by Meowth's pay-day attack. Maria: Well, yeah, getting hit with a candy bar hurts, you know. >"Nothing likes using pay-day against nuts like you." gigles >Meowth. All: .................. -.- >HEY! Squirte. How's your battle going?" >"SQUIRTE! SQUIRTE! SQUIRTE!" said as he uses his "Skull Bash" >attack against Charamander. "SQUIRTE!" Primera: ... if you... say so... *Takes out a squirt gun and fires it at the TV screen* >"GOOD!" replied Meowth. >"Now what about you? Ghastly?" Billy (Big Gay Al as Ghastly): I'm thuper, thanks for asking! >"GHASTLY! GHASTLY! GHASTLY! GHASTLY! GHASTLY!" replied the Ghost >as he uses a "Dream Eater" on Koffing. >"GREAT!" replied Meowth will huge slime on his face. Jessiah and Billy: Looks like Googleshng couldn't take it any more... *Long pause. Both look at each other* Billy: OK, this is getting weird... Jessiah: Like father, like son, I guess. Billy: ... I am _nothing_ like you! _NOTHING_!! Maria: *cough*indenial*cough*notjustariverinEgypt*cough* Billy: I _heard_ that, Maria! >"What did they said?" asked Primera: ... the one-armed man... >"Squirte said 'That Charamander is about...DONE!' Ghastly siad. >"He's sleep, now to eat that dream!" Billy: Not. _ONE_. Wild Arms reference. Out of _anyone_. Voice (Elzabeth): I've never seen a heart as pure as his... *Billy _glares_ at the source of the voice* >"RETURN YOU POKEMON AND RUN AWAY TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY!" replied >Thomas. >"ARGEED" replied the rest of the Team Rocket members. Jessiah (Liz): We've stalled you most marvelously! Oh, if only my Bulkogidon were complete... *A blast of fire fries Jessiah in a generic catoony style* Lucca's voice: NO LIZ IMPRESSIONS! >"What's happen to your NUKUSAUR? It's spilting." Maria: Citan would be happy to see this... >Tanya takes a POKEDEX, more looking like taller. Jessiah (kid): Giant Growth? *pause* AUGH! Billy (scientist guy): What do you think of the goblin _now_? >[POKEDEX PLUS: When Nukusaur reaches LV 25, he will split into >three Pokemon.] >Tanya, "Look like all got all three starting point. That means, I >have Pokemon more to get or see...a Persidan. Maria (TV announcer): Yes, the new Persidan from Toyota. Now only $20,000! >"That's not going to happen for a very long time. I'm only at LV. >10. I'm thinking I'm going to evolve into that until LV 40." >replied Meowth. Billy: Meowthcast. It's thinking. >"Let's get on move on!" shouted Messila. "And fast before those >jerks can get their acts back on the road." Jessiah: In other words... *Vaguely British Messila voice* RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY! >------THE END---------------------------------------------------- >HUMANS AND POKEMON PLUS A GHOST SPELL EQUALS A BATTLE ROYAL WITH >A GHOST POKEMON. Primera: ... next on Pay-Per-View! >FIND OUT in "The Comma of The Minder", next time >on Messila Journey. Billy (Narrator): Same Poketime, same Pokechannel! -------------------------------------------------- [Still at Billy's house...] A silence fell upon the room. The Plot Device TV (TM) vanished without a trace. "... maybe now she'll leave us alone for a while," Billy thought out loud. The voice said nothing in return. Primera thought she heard the front door open. She looked in the direction of said door and sure enough, there was a pirate prince followed by a formerly mentally-unstable martial artist entering through the door. "See, I told you they'd get back OK, Fei!" the pirate prince said cheerfully. Fei gave the pirate prince a questioning look. "It wasn't me who kept wondering and asking if they were OK, Bart," he said. Maria chirped, "Oh _reeeeeally_ now, Bart?" "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!" Bart yelled in response. "I was just a bit worried that the voice might screw things up again, that's all." "_EXCUSE_ me, Barty?!" Everyone jumped, startled by the voice's sudden presence. "Er, it was nothing, Cheebs! Really!" Bart backpedaled, not wanting to read a really bad fic. "Good. Ta ta then!" The lights turned off and a "FWOOOSH!" sound is heard. "Cute, Chibi. _Reeeeeeeeal_ cute," Billy said in the dark. --------------------------------------------------- The REAL End... for now. Comments? E-mail at: lilka@senshi.net Or get a huge slime on your face. >"GREAT!" replied Meowth will huge slime on his face. Lookie, shameless plugs! Organized Chaos! (My RPG humor site) http://www.crosswinds.net/~rinichan *~swearing to the sky~* (My Wild Arms shrine) http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/filgaia Season one: ------------------ Episode 101: "Battle of the Strongest" Episode 102: Raging Double Feature ("Wild ARMs Rage" and "Toshinden Rage") Episode 103: "The Cursed Waters" Episode 104: "The Jonathanlizers" Episode 105: "Final Fantasy VII: The Untold Story" part 1 Episode 106: "The Return of Lord Thinker" Episode 107: "Get Rich Quick" spam. Episode 108: "Don't Freak Out" Episode 109a: "The Price of Redemption" parts 1-3 Season Two: ---------------- Episode 202: "Why RPGs Should be Severely Censored and Devoid of Character Development" Episode 201b: "Messila's Journey" part 2 Episode 201c: "Mesilla's Journey" part 3 Episode 204: "FFVII: The Untold Story" part 2 Episode 205: "Behind the Scenes" Episode 208: "Beloved? Yeah, Right" Season Three: ------------------ *Special!* Episode 300: "The Happy Spell" *Special!* Episode 208b: "Beloved: A Vampire's Tale" Episode 301d: "Messila's Journey" part 4 Episode 301e: "Messila's Journey" part 5 Episode 302: "Decency Patrol #2" Episode 303: "Slayer Arms" part 1 Episode 301h: "Messila's Journey" part 8 Episode 301i: "Messila's Journey" part 9 Episode 304: "Killey" part 1 Season Four: ------------------ *Special!* Episode 400: "Crystal Rainbows" part 1 Episode 401: Miscellanious Miscellany ("Chick Tract" parody) Episode 403: "Killey" part 2 Episode 404: "Killey" part 3 Episode 405: "Genso Suikoden: Super Stars of Destiny" Episode 406: "Genso Suikoden: Moving On Up" (Part 2 of SSoD) Episode 407l: "Messila's Journey" part 12 Episode 408: "Slayer Arms" part 2 Xenogears interludes: ------------------------- Episode 109b: "The Price of Redemption" parts 4-5 Episode 201a: "Messila's Journey" part 1 Episode 203: "Ash's New Friend" Episode 206: "Emerald Nights" part 1 Episode 207: "Pokemon Gangbang" (MSTed with Hyperonius) Episode 301f: "Messila's Journey" part 6 Episode 301g: "Messila's Journey" part 7 Episode 305: "An Interesting Twist" (MSTed with Hyperonius) Episode 402j: "Messila's Journey" part 10 Episode 402k: "Messila's Journey" part 11 Other MSTings: ------------------ Episode 000: "Rebirth" (MSTed with Nick) Episode 001: Stephen Gohan's letter to the GIA (MSTed with Katana Angel) Episode 003 or Fortuna Fanfic Theater 5000 episode 9: "10-chi Returns" (MSTed with DadyTengu)