"That's supposed to be a lion?" -Apple, "Suikoden II" Legal Crap Mystery Science Theater 3000 & the related characters are owned and copyrighted by Best Brains Inc. Suikoden 1 and 2 are copyrighted by Konami. Any other thing I forgot to mention is copyrighted to it's owner(s). Please don't sue; I have no money as is. ~.~;; "Beloved: A Vampire's Tale" is owend by Silver Angel-chan. No offense or bad stuff is intended with this MSTing. This is just all in fun. ^^;; No future queens of the universe were harmed in the production of this MSTing, not even Marrisa Picard. Chibi-chan's notes (a.k.a. Other Stuff) Wild ARMs 2nd Ignition comes out in May! WOO HOO! YES! *Swarm of little pink hearts appear* ^____^-<3<3<3 With that out of the way, Here we gooooooooooooo!! ------------------------------------ [A stage] Rini: Well, since we got positive input for the last Suikoden special, Chibi decided to make another one. So, in cooperation with Idiotic Fanfic Theater Whatever, we present to you a new special; Mystery Suikoden Theater 108, episode 2: Jowy's Boogaloo! ... OK, so it's _not_ "Jowy's Boogaloo". We just thought it'd be funny. Anyway, cue the theme song, boys! -------------------------------------------------------- (Singer) In the not-too-distant past, In a strange and war-torn land, The 108 Stars of Destiny Have gathered once again! Against the might of Luca Blight, An evil guy who was not too bright, Well, after then won, with some help from some Stars of the past, There was nothing to do but try to have a bla~st! (Hugo) Well, you could play with mediocre fanfics, The strangest that we can find! (Emilia) You can try to make them funny With whatever comes to your minds! (Singer) Now the Tenkai Stars from the past two wars Agreed to this plan. But it's still a test of sanity, So they brought along some friends! STARS OF DESTINY ROLL CALL! Jowy! (I'm not a Star!) Nanami! (I'll protect you!) Kasumi! (Depend on me!) GREMIOOOOOOOOO! (THE STEW!!) If you're thinking that this is contrieved, And stupid to no end, Just don't think about it; just sit back, And simply relax, For Mystery Suikoden Theater 108! *Twang!* [In the lobby] Jowy: *Leaning against the wall* So, you think she can pull another host segment out of her- The Hero from Suikoden 2 (who I still call Shawn): Dude, we're on! Nanami: Looks like she did then, Jowy. ^^;; *The hero from Suikoden (McDohl) and Gremio enter* McDohl: OK, it's set up. Emilia _assured_ us this one is _nowhere_ near as traumatizing as that first one we read. Jowy: What's it called? McDohl: I don't remember. Grem? You know? Gremio: I think it was called "Beloved: A Vampire's Tale"... Jowy: Whatever, just as long as it don't involve... *Looks at Shawn, who seems _incerdibly_ uncomfortable* Er, you know... Nanami: Well, let's just go already! *Begins dragging Jowy and Shawn into the theater. The others follow suit* *No door sequence; it's just a regular theater. >p Seating arrangment (L-R): McDohl, Gremio, Jowy, Shawn, Nanami* *Kasumi appears out of nowhere and takes a seat to McDohl's left* McDohl: Kasumi? Why...? Kasumi: *shrug* Can't I stop by without a good reason? >Subj: MST >Date: 2/3/00 6:59:33 PM Central Standard Time >From: Bookie5409@aol.com McDohl: Bookie? Nabiki Tendo's on AOL? >To: rinichan@crosswinds.net >Well, I noticed you MSTed my sister's work. But there's one thing... Shawn and Jowy: o/~ -I can't get enough of.../ So I tell you some tha~~ng.../ This could be love! o/~ Nanami: Oh _really_, boys? ^^ Shawn: *To Jowy* She's never been quite the same after "The Happy Spell"... >Wouldn't >it be complete if you MSTed the original? Please MST this story, Beloved, a >Vampire Story. PLEEESE! Gremio (Little kid): Aw'll cwy if you don't! >****************************** Kasumi: Tsk! Somebody better wash that person's mouth out with soap after _that_! >FROM: Slayers- Head of the Class- >"The Science of Blowing Stuff Up - Ms. Inverse" Shawn: Is Amelia-chan gonna be here then? ^^-<3 Jowy: ... you are a strange, sad little boy, Shawn. Shawn: Bite me. And not a word from you, Nanami. McDohl: *Opens his mouth to say something* Shawn: *Whips out the tonfa* That goes for you too, McDohl. McDohl: You're no fun, kid. >Can I take that class? >Silver Angel-chan Nanami: Only If I can too! ... I wonder if Zelgadiss-sama'd be there... ^^-<3 Jowy: *Shakes his head and mutters* Like fanboy brother, like fangirl sister... >Disclaimer: I own this story, and that's it. I don't even own the idea the >story is based on. That belongs to my sister, and the rest belongs to Naoko >Takeuchi. Kasumi, Gremio, and McDohl: Sailor Moon?! *collective groan* Jowy, Shawn, and Nanami: WOO HOO! ^^ >Note: I don't hate Tux-boy, er, Tuxedo Kamen. Blame my sister! Oh, yeah, this >story's in Mamoru's POV. Kasumi: Power Of Voltron? Gremio: Polywhirl, Omanite, and Vulpix? McDohl: Precis, Opera, and a Vacuum? *All stare at him for a moment* Jowy: I don't wanna know... >Spoilers: Right after Chibi-Usa leaves. Wiseman's gone, Chibi-Usa's changed >back from the Wicked Lady Shawn: *Throws popcorn at the screen and boos* I want Wicked Lady, dammit! Jowy: *sweatdrop* You need a girlfriend, man... McDohl and Nanami (Shawn): Not when I got you, babe! ^_^ Shawn and Jowy: *sweatdrop* .................... >and has gone back to Crystal Tokyo. >Beloved, a Vampire Story >By Silver Angel Shawn: ANGEL?! NO MORE SPANKING!! O.o;; Jowy: No, no, it has nothing to do with "The Happy Spell", Shawn! Shawn: ... it doesn't? Whew! ^^;; >Part 1: Resistance McDohl: The story about a girl on a diet and her ice cream. *WHAM!* Kasumi: Matt, don't _even_... >It's getting harder. McDohl: -and longer- *WHAM!* >I love her, true. But each time I'm around her, I'm more and more tempted. McDohl: Bomp chicka bow wow! *WHAM!* Keep that up and I'll probably start to enjoy it... Kasumi: Nani?! O.o;;; >It started after Chibi-Usa showed up. Gremio (Mamoru): I couldn't stop vomiting due to the ueber-cuteness... >I kept getting dizzy, and waking up in >the morning with blood under my fingertips. Shawn: You really should stop going to those frat parties then, dude. >It wasn't until Chibi-Usa got a >slight case of anemia that I realized what was going on. Kasumi (Mamoru): I was in love with the guy from the arcade. >I was a vampire. >Oh, sure, laugh! Jowy: If you insist... *Ala Naga* AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *All else shudder* >Just because I dress like America's version of a vampire >doesn't give you the right to laugh! Nanami: But he said it was all right to... Gremio: I do believe he was being sarcastic there, Nanami. Nanami: Oh, right. >I didn't know... Kasumi (Mamoru): ... I didn't know Spam was flammable. >Oh, sure, you're asking how I knew I was a vampire when >Chibi-Usa got the anemia. Shawn: Lemme guess, you sucked the blood out of the doctor who gave the diagnosis? >Simple. I was the last to talk to her before she >came down with the case of anemia, I blacked out while talking to her, Jowy: I _could_ make a really bad comment about Usagi drugging him, but it crosses the line of good taste in the bad way. >and I >woke up with blood on my chin, fangs touching my lower lip, and my daughter >under me with two puncture marks in her neck. McDohl: And we have lemon! *Everyone else gags* >I didn't want to hurt her. As I said before, it's getting harder. My >beloved... I don't want to hurt her, but... Gremio: o/~ Do you really wanna hurt me?/ Do you really wanna make me cry~? o/~ >There she is! The odangas in her hair make it hard to miss her. Kasumi (Uncle Jimbo): She's comin' right for us! *McDohl imitates a gunshot* >When she >spotted me, she cried out, "Mamo-chan!" and rushed straight at me. Jowy: GLOMP! Shawn (Shampoo as Usagi): Airen! You date with Usagi now?! >It's >amazing how fast she can move when properly motivated. Nanami (Usagi): Wai! Rice balls! Fork 'em over, dollface! ^_^ >Oh, man, there it goes. I hate it when this happens. Some guys get erections >when they see their girlfriends. Male voice within the Soul Eater: GAH! Don't let it become "10-Chi Returns"! Female voice within the Soul Eater: If it does, there will be death! Second female voice...: I know this guy who can get weapons for us real cheap... McDohl: *sigh* Of all the running gags, I get stuck with this one... *Rolls eyes* >I grow fangs. Annoying as hell. Gremio: Allow me to be the first to say, "Well, DUH, cape boy!" McDohl: Grem?! You OK? Gremio: *nod* Just a little tired, that's all. McDohl: From _what_? Gremio: *sweatdrop* That... is a secret, Young Master. ^^;; >"Hey Usako," I said, barely moving my lips, something I'm starting to get >good at. Gremio: Well, ventriliquisim is a difficult skill to master... >"Hey, Mamo-chan, you don't look so good. Well, not saying you look awful, >but... " That's my Usako. Her foot probably lives in her mouth. Jowy: And according to "Usagi's Usual Morning", her hand- *WHACK*WHACK!* Shawn: Don't _EVEN_, Jowy! >"It's alright Usagi." Her face brightens at that. Kasumi (Mamoru): Gah! Usako, you mind turning down you face a little?! >Oh Kami-sama, no. I was about five seconds away from biting her when I >realized that my fangs weren't out because of Usagi. Nanami: They were out because John Tesh was in the area and he somehow _knew_ that he must kill... >This was pure bloodlust. McDohl: Valeria? ^^-<3 *WHAM!* >"Usako, I need to go. I'll see you later, alright?" With that, I'm out of >here. Shawn: And thus, Mamoru channeled Dennis Miller... >I was nearing the park when I saw Makoto. Jowy: *!!* NononononononotMako-chanshe'stoofrickin'cooltodragintothis... Shawn: And _you_ say _I'm_ pathetic. *sweatdrop* >Big girl, strong, and a Senshi to >boot. She'll do. Nanami: -anyone, if you name the right price. *WHACK!* >I crept up behind her and put my hand over her mouth, >dragging her into an alley. Kasumi: That's not how you bowl, Mamo-chan. >"Don't scream, or you'll die," I whisper in her ear, making sure her head >couldn't turn. Gremio: But it didn't work, as he soon saw her head rotate 360 degrees... McDohl (Makoto): Your mother eats popsicles in hell! >Thankfully, she has her hair up in that ponytail, so I don't >have to brush her hair off her neck, just maneuver it out of my way. All: ................ >I wouldn't know how being bitten feels, mostly because before Beryl attacked >the Moon during the Silver Millennium, I had been changed. Nanami: Into Serenity-hime's dress, that is. Kasumi (Mamoru): o/~ I feel pretty/ Oh, so pretty! o/~ Shawn: *Nonchalantly* I'dve figured the schoolgirl uniform; it allows for more movement... *All but Jowy look at him oddly* Did I say that out loud? *sweatdrop* Jowy: Yes, yes, you did, Shawn. *sweatdrop* >I have no memory >on how it felt, but every person I had bitten seemed to enjoy it. Shawn: Well, maybe you should stop biting Xelloss then... Jowy: *grumble* The fruitcake Mazoku must _DIE_! Voice from the Soul Eater: Finally! Someone agrees with me! ^^ Two female voices...: BAKA! *A "wham!wham!" is heard* >Even Makoto >did. Her back arches as I drew her blood into my mouth. Gremio: o/~ Well, you know my name is Mamoru/ And I like to do drawrings... o/~ >I knew better than to >take too much, and withdrew my teeth from her neck before I seriously hurt >her. Shawn: That was Dr. Forrester's job. Jowy: You're slipping; that was only _barely_ obscure this time. >She staggered a little bit, but didn't fall when I released her. Kasumi: She kicked his ass instead. ^^ >Good, she's >alright. I didn't wait to see if she would fall after that, but got the hell >out of there. McDohl: o/~ When danger went and reared its head, Sir Mamoru bravely turned his tail and fled... o/~ >In the safety of my apartment, I let out a sigh. It was getting almost too >hard to be around Usagi. I could have seriously hurt her or Mako-chan today. McDohl: Then why the hell _didn't_ you?! Nanami: Do you want to feel the wrath of the Holy Bird Golden Flower Dragon Tooth Glory Punch, McDohl?! >The best way to make it easier would to kill myself, but it would hurt Usagi >as well, and I couldn't do that. Gremio: We could kill you for you then! *Brandishes axe* ^_^ >Besides, who would help the Senshi with >youmas when I was gone? Shawn: The Sailor Starlights, mayhaps? Jowy: Just as long as it's not the _Slayer_ Starlights. *shudder* Xelloss in leather... >.< >As soon as I thought that, deep in a part of me I felt Usagi transform. She >was getting ready to fight a youma. Kami-sama, please don't let her get >hurt... Kasumi (Kami-sama on an answering machine): I'm sorry, but since Piccolo is dead, I can't come to the phone now. Please leave a message and any wishes to Shen Long after the Kamehameha and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. *beep!* *Break time! All exit the theater* [In the lobby...] Jowy: Well, so far, so good. Nothing like what was in... *Shawn looks incredibly uncomfortable again* Er, rather, nothing icky so far! ^^;; McDohl: Hey, Jowy, can I ask you something? Jowy: I don't see why not. Go ahead. McDohl: *Leans in towards Jowy; conspiritorial whisper* Just _what_ exactly is going on between you and Shawn? Jowy: WHAT?! NOTHING!! McDohl: *Still in the same whisper* Hey, hey, keep it down... If there is, I just want to say that there's nothing wrong with it... Jowy: *Harsh whisper* There is _nothing_ going on between me and Shawn! We're just friends, dammit! Why is it that everyone's starting to think that there is?! McDohl: *Still the same whisper* You want the list alphabetically or chronologically? Jowy: *sweatdrop* Whatever, I don't want to talk about this any more... *Storms back into the theater* Gremio: Young Master, what did you say to that young man to get him that upset? McDohl: Something he didn't want to hear. C'mon, Grem, let's go back into the theater. *McDohl casually reenters the theater* Nanami: Maybe you should go ahead and try to comfort Jowy now, Shawn. ^_^ Shawn: .................... *Goes into the theater* Kasumi: *To Gremio* I smell a match-making scheme... Gremio: *To Kasumi* Well, _duh_, Kasumi. *Goes into the theater* Nanami: Guess it's our turn to go back. Kasumi: Yep. *Both enter the theater again* *Still no door sequence... ^^ Still the same seating order as before* >Part 2: Shawn: Elmina's Boogaloo! Jowy: No, that'd be _Scenario_ 2. Shawn: Oh, right. >Giving In Nanami: -to the desire to ditch Odango-atama and choosing me instead? ^^ >I don't know what I'm doing here. McDohl (Mamoru): I mean, I've never been to _this_ type of bar before... Kasumi: ................... >Usagi would have good reason to kill me if >she found me here in her room. Nanami (Usagi): You DARE touch my delicates?! WA-TAK! Shawn: *!!* Eheh, why would I want those?! ^^;; McDohl: That kid's staring to worry me now... >Luna is with her, so I don't have to worry >about that Moon cat finding me. I just hope she leaves her with Artemis. McDohl: ... for the sake of everyone's sanity, I will not say "Bomp chicka bow wow," here. Jowy: We appreciate it, man. >My hearing picks up the door opening, and the resounding cry of "I'm home!" >let me know it was my beloved. Shawn (Lum as Usagi): Darling! You got three seconds to get out of there! One... Two... Three... Jowy: Zap! ^^ >When she entered, my heart started to hurt. Her eyes were downcast, and >puffy, her walk was slow. Hell, even the odangas in her hair sagged! Gremio: *blink*blink* Anime physics at work? Shawn: No, just regular cartoon ones. >Well, after I'm done with her, she'll have no reason to be unhappy. Jowy: You're gonna fix her up with Rei? ^^ *WHAM!* McDohl: Throw in Mina and we got a FUN story goin'! ^_^ *WHAM!* >I waited >until she took her school uniform off, Kasumi: Mamoru no baka hentai... >which secured the fact her locket was >off so she couldn't transform into Sailor Moon. >To clear this up, I'm not a hentai. McDohl: *Less than convinced* Suuuuuuuure, you're not... Nanami: Isn't that what they all say? >I just didn't want to get disintegrated >by that Cutie Moon Rod she has access to as Sailor Moon. McDohl: *chuckles lewdly* Kasumi: I don't even _want_ to know what you're thinking in that sick little mind of yours, Matt... >With an evil grin, I straighten up from my hiding place. "Hello, my beloved," >I said silkily. Shawn: -sipping his krawatte... McDohl: *To Gremio* Should I tell him he just said "neck tie" in German? Gremio: *To McDohl* No, just let it go... >"Eep!" she squeaked out as she turned around. She looked at me as she tried >to cover herself with her hands. >"Oh, don't be modest, Usako. I'm gonna give you something you always wanted." Jowy (Mamoru): I shall give you... A SHURBBERY! Shawn and Nanami: Ni! Ni! Ni! McDohl: *Mutters* Not this again... *sweatdrop* >I walked up to her and gave her a harsh kiss. "However," I whisper into her >ear, "if you scream, I'll kill you." Gremio: Scream, Usagi, SCREAM! ^^ Shawn: Ignore the overprotective nanny boy, Usagi! Just don't die! ^^;;; >Her thoughts would have been obvious to anyone. She thinks I was going to >rape her. Shawn: NOOOOOOOOO! NOT AGAIN! LUC, RUUUUUUUUUUN!! Jowy: This ain't "The Happy Spell", Shawn, really! Calm down, man! >No, I was going to give her something better. Jowy: It will be... A SHRUB- MMPH! Gremio: You mind stopping that? >She struggles in my >arms, trying to get out to her locket. >"No you don't, Usako. I don't want you transforming before the fun starts." Shawn (Mamoru): We're gonna play Charades! ^^ >"Let me go!" she says in a low voice. McDohl: o/~ Bismilah, NOOOOOO!/ We will not let her go! o/~ >I laugh quietly as I bent down to her neck. "My beloved," I whisper, landing >kisses on her neck. Shawn: And so, Usagi's neck became the new site of O'Hare airport. >"So naive." I start kissing her chin, involuntarily >moving my body into hers. Kasumi: So... Usagi's a main character of an RPG now? >"So beautiful." My lips roam to her's, then back to >her neck. "So strong." Jowy: She's buff, and she's the stuff! >"Get... off... of... me!" she says as she struggles. Gremio (Akane as Usagi): MAMORU NO BAKAAAAAAAA! *Pretends to knock McDohl into the stratosphere* >"If I do that, you won't get what I'm trying to give you." Shawn: o/~ I'll give you, I'll give you/ Shinjiru kokoro ga, areba chikara ni naru.../ I'll give you, my love, lullaby! o/~ >I immobilize her >with one arm, and make her look at me with the other. "And you wouldn't want >that, would you?" I say as I smile, my fangs obvious. Shawn and Jowy: o/~ Faaaaangs for the memories... o/~ All else: *sweatdrop* ................. >Her eyes double their usual diameter, and she opens her mouth to scream. "Ah, >ah! None of that, Usagi," I say as I cover her mouth. "Don't want to kill you >before the fun begins." Gremio: Do it anyway! DO IT ANYWAY! >"Mamo-chan..." she whispers as I remove my hand. "Who... Who did that to you?" Nanami (Mamoru): Neclord, that bastard! He did this! >"Don't change the subject, Usako." I punctuate that sentence with a kiss. McDohl: And I puncutate this theater with a Judgement. *Tries to raise his right hand, but Jowy holds McDohl's arm down* Jowy: Hey, wait 'til the rest of us get out of the theater before you do that! >My >mouth moved to her neck, and I whisper one last thing in her ear. "Don't >worry, beloved. This won't hurt." McDohl: That's what they _all_ say the first time- *WHAM!* Kasumi: MATT NO BAKA HENTAI!! >Then I bite her. Her back arches with pleasure, and she moans in my ear. I >hug her, hard, trying to make more than her blood a part of me. Jowy: *Overly cheerful* He takes too much and she _dies_. Show's over! ^_^ Shawn: So can we watch those Magic Knight Rayearth tapes again? ^^ >My hands roam all over her backside. One legend I had heard was that >bloodlust only intensifies one's sex drive. Boy, was that an understatement. McDohl: Wow, then Valeria must be- MMPH! Kasumi: _No_, Matt. >But I also notice Usagi's hands weren't idle, but were roaming in the same >area mine were on my backside. All: *sweatdrop* ................ >I end up pressing her to the bed, but not to have sex. Oh, no. Usagi had lost >too much blood to stand. I was close to killing her when I pulled back. Gremio: And there was much rejoicing! ^_^ Shawn: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! >"Your turn, beloved." With that, I slice my own neck, letting my blood run >freely. Nanami: Ah, now he can rejoin the Sweet Sisters and revive the Hart! Shawn: Er... huh? Nanami: ... never mind. Jowy (Bret Hart): It's about time you revived the Excellence of Execution! All else: *sweatdrop* .......................... >Barely conscious, she put her lips to the wound, and started taking my blood. >It was when I started feeling dizzy from bloodloss when I pulled away. McDohl: To quote Bryann, *Mamoru voice* "Der, I like rice." >Her face twists in agony, and I could tell she was dying. It hurt me, through >the bond we share, but I grit my teeth and take it. McDohl: Ah yes, it's like that the first time... Jowy: Kasumi? Mallet? Please? Kasumi: *sigh* What's the use? It doesn't stop him... >She finally stops breathing, dead. But when she wakes up, she'll be immortal, >like me. Shawn and Jowy: o/~ I am immortal!/ I have inside me blood of kings! o/~ >A Senshi who's a vampire. Interesting. I resolve to give it more thought when >I get home, and stand up. Before I leave, I whisper into her ear, "I'll be >back, beloved." Nanami (Mamoru): Hasta la vista, Usagi. >And I leave. >The End McDohl, Kasumi, and Gremio: WOO HOO! ^_^ >Author end notes: Wow. It started out as a one shot fic, and ended up a two >part dark fic. See what happens when someone gives a fanfic too much thought? Kasumi: The moon goes into the second house and Jupiter aligns with Mars? McDohl: *lewd giggling* ^_^ Jowy: Shots go off? Nanami: The maid screams? Shawn: And Lina Inverse blows up another town? >Again, the idea isn't mine, just the story. The idea's my sister's, and you >can blame her. McDohl: OK! One Judgement coming up! ^_^ *Tries to raise his right hand, but it's duct-taped to the armrest* The hell?! Jowy: Like I said, wait 'til we get out of here before you destroy the place. *All but the duct-taped-to-the-seat McDohl exit the theater* [In the lobby...] *Jowy and Shawn are nowhere to be seen* Nanami: Now where did they go? Kasumi: Well, don't a lot of MSTings have an ending sketch here? *CRASH!* Oops... Forgot about that. ^^;; Nanami: Yeah, but would they be goofy enough to- *Shawn comes out in a schoolgirl uniform and a blonde wig with pigtails and Jowy in a bad excuse for a tuxedo* Oh God, they _are_... *sweatdrop* Jowy (Mamoru): C'mere, Usako, lemme make you a vampire! Shawn (Usagi): Don't you dare, creep! *Hits Jowy over the head with a plushie Luna* Jowy: OW! Hey, that's not in the script! ^^;; Shawn: Is now! *Hits Jowy again with the plushie Luna* Jowy: Of course you know this means WAR! *Hits Shawn with an Artemis plushie. Shawn hits Jowy again with the Luna plushie. This goes back and forth for a while* McDohl: *Exits the theater* Stupid duct tape... *Notices the plushie fight* Should I ask _why_ Shawn's wearing a dress? Gremio: Not unless you value having the Fourth Wall in one piece... *Fade to black* --------------------------------------------------- The REAL End Comments? E-mail at: lilka@senshi.net And ph34r my MAD SKILLZ. >My hands roam all over her backside. One legend I had heard was that >bloodlust only intensifies one's sex drive. Boy, was that an understatement. Lookie, a shameless plug! Organized Chaos! http://www.crosswinds.net/~rinichan My own site. Beware the Temporary Portal, er, Picture of the Week; It can lead you to strange things... Season one: ------------------ Episode 101: "Battle of the Strongest" Episode 102: Raging Double Feature ("Wild ARMs Rage" and "Toshinden Rage") Episode 103: "The Cursed Waters" Episode 104: "The Jonathanlizers" Episode 105: "Final Fantasy VII: The Untold Story" part 1 Episode 106: "The Return of Lord Thinker" Episode 107: "Get Rich Quick" spam. Episode 108: "Don't Freak Out" Episode 109a: "The Price of Redemption" parts 1-3 Xenogears interludes: ------------------------- Episode 109b: "The Price of Redemption" parts 4-5 Episode 201a: "Messila's Journey" part 1 Episode 203: "Ash's New Friend" Episode 206: "Emerald Nights" part 1 Episode 207: "Pokemon Gangbang" (MSTed with Hyperonius) Episode 301f: "Messila's Journey" part 6 Episode 301g: "Messila's Journey" part 7 Season Two: ---------------- Episode 202: "Why RPGs Should be Severely Censored and Devoid of Character Development" Episode 201b: "Messila's Journey" part 2 Episode 201c: "Mesilla's Journey" part 3 Episode 204: "FFVII: The Untold Story" part 2 Episode 205: "Behind the Scenes" Episode 208: "Beloved? Yeah, Right" Season Three: ------------------ *Special!* Episode 300: "The Happy Spell" *Special!* Episode 208b: "Beloved: A Vampire's Tale" Episode 301d: "Messila's Journey" part 4 Episode 301e: "Messila's Journey" part 5 Episode 302: "Decency Patrol #2" Episode 303: "Slayer Arms" part 1 Episode 301h: "Messila's Journey" part 8 Other MSTings: ------------------ Episode 000: "Rebirth" (MSTed with Nick) Episode 001: Stephen Gohan's letter to the GIA (MSTed with Katana Angel) *Coming soon!* Episode 002: "Cloud Vs. Aeris" (MSTed with Nick) Episode 003 or Fortuna Fanfic Theater 5000 episode 9: "10-chi Returns" (MSTed with DadyTengu)